Cubing The Sphere

It slices! It dices! LITERALLY!

How many times has this happened to you!? You have a spherically mapped bitmap, but you need a cube map! Don't try that old-fashioned way of setting up a 3D scene with 6 orthogonal cameras and rendering to bitmaps by hand! With CubeTheSphere, you do away with all the muss and fuss. 6/3/07 - bugs fixed!

Version 1.0 will let you preview the 6 panels, and auto-save all 6 as BMP files. It can only load BMP and JPEG files, so you're on your own with 2D format conversion. Future versions will have more formats, sub-pixel sampling, and adjustable orientation (RA/Dec for you astronomers)

Want cool sphere maps?

Download Installer by Clicking On this here text right here


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